16 maj 2011

I miss Turku.

This is the view from my apartment's window in Helsinki, it's taken with a disposable camera.

I miss Turku and all the lovely people in Turku. Haven't been there in more than two weeks. And right now being here means a lot of work and hardly any spare time. And the rainy weather doesn't really help.

A little tip, if anyone's coming to Helsinki on the last weekend of May, there's this Maailma Kylässä-festival. It's a free event in Kaisaniemi park (www.maailmakylassa.fi). Uusi Fantasia is going to be there + other artists, both from Finland and abroad, so check it out.

Tonight we're going to welcome the ice hockey WORLD CHAMPIONS at the market place in Helsinki!

Have a nice weeeeeek!


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