18 apr. 2011

Erik's top 5

I came back from Estonia and now I'm going to Serbia. However, I had a question on my blog and most people answered that they want to see more posts about people in Turku. So I will quickly post something before I'm going to Serbia. I'm back on Monday so Quelmude is taking a break again.
This is Erik. This is his top 5 in Turku:
1. Swag @ Vartiovuori
2. Doing extreme things outside the police station
3. Cuddling with Pontus
4. Learning shit at school
5. Speaking bad Finnish with strangers

Yep. Bye bye baby I'm off to S-E-R-B-I-A!!!!!!!!!!


2 kommentarer:

  1. dat picture jus got swagged the fuck out check it
