2 mars 2011

Emma's top 5

This is Emma, she is 17 and when I asked her what she likes the most in Tku she answered
  1. Café Latte
  2. The Aura river (in the summer!!!)
  3. Vartiovuoren puisto (in the summer!!!)
  4. Tove's cellar
  5. Puolalanpuisto (in the summer!!!)
So, to make her glad, I took her to Vartiovuoren puisto since she likes it so much :) here are some pictures of the blondie

You can see the cathedral veryywell from V-puisto
Ps, that's me with my slippery shoes


1 kommentar:

  1. du stiger upp i mitten o rättar till byxorna. lite skoj hihihihihihihiHIHIHIHIHIHIiiiiiHHH :)
