I took a loong walk along the Aura river yesterday. I went to places I've never been before and it was pretty scary - but I survived that adventure. I also took over a hundred pictures of this town, and I have to say: woppeeey they're beautiful! Enjoy, dear readers.
And PS!!! If you have suggestions for what we could do a post about, tell us, we would love to hear your opinions and thoughts! And don't forget to comment, there's nothing better than a comment. PS2!!! "there's nothing better than a comment" is my motto from now on.
And PS!!! If you have suggestions for what we could do a post about, tell us, we would love to hear your opinions and thoughts! And don't forget to comment, there's nothing better than a comment. PS2!!! "there's nothing better than a comment" is my motto from now on.

fina bilder!
SvaraRaderatack kiitos
SvaraRaderawow, i found this blog when i googled "turku" and im very impressed :) looks like a lovely place
SvaraRaderax chrsitine
really? :D great! hope you like the pitures and all the other random posts we have haha
SvaraRaderathanks for the comment i really appreciate it :)
haha, ser ut som att ni inte har så måna läsare och kommentarer så jag tänkte hjälpa till lite :)
SvaraRaderaoch om ni ville ha förslag på vad ni kan skriva om så: gör någon juttu om alla offentliga platser - typ att ni testar alla caféer o säger vilke som e bäst, eller intervjuar olika bloggare från åbo eller olika band från åbo etc !!! fin blogg, keep it up mates!
kiva blogi! ja turku on paras :D
SvaraRaderadu har fåga åbo fint på bild:) h.duvetvem(HOPPAS JAG)
SvaraRaderaeva? :D hihi tack lilla vän