30 nov. 2010


ENRIQUE IGLESIAS IS COMING TO TURKU! Ayayayay, he's a great singer! So I'm gonna buy a ticket with a friend and go see him. She's pretty much in love with him, I'm not. I only like his music, sorry. IT'S GONNA BE AMAZING!:)Pic taken from here
-Happy Julia

28 nov. 2010

Driving in the night

My sister finally got her driver's license (after 4½ years of trying - she's 22) so she took me and our third sister on a ride in Turku... in the night. Enjoy.

OBS it's my sister who is singing, not me, I'm so much better than that !!!

27 nov. 2010

The European Capital of Culture 2011

Hahaha, me and Kira e-mailed someone who's among the important persons for the project "Turku the European Capital of Culture 2011" and asked them to link to our blog on their pages because this is a blog about Turku. I guess they read a few of our posts and then ignored us totally, maybe we're not representative enough hehehe... But at least we are honest and we show the world how it is to be young in Turku. Too bad they didn't want to link to our blog... someone could have laughed a lot if he or she had got the chance to read it..Anyways, I'm sorry for the bad updating, but I have been too tired to take pictures with my camera etc etc etc (unfortunately!). But tonight I'm gonna party with Nora, Aada, Eva and Caro and celebrate Aada's birthday and Christmas .. And tonight I sure will take pictures. See you fowks


24 nov. 2010

S'il suffisait d'aimer

Froze to death again !!! But I love winter, especially the one in Turku! ;)

23 nov. 2010


All the poor highschool-students in Turku are at the moment reading to tests and stressing. That's why even Quelmude has been a pretty quiet place these last days....
BTW! HAHAHA I visited Kira in Helsinki and I have to say it was one of the funniest nights in a very long time. Unfortunately the next day was a little painful, but here I am, still alive.
Bye fowks!

19 nov. 2010


This little bastard hurt me

Almost broke my camera for this.

16 nov. 2010

Dont blame it on the sunshine

Don't blame it on the moonlight
Don't blame it on the good times
Blame it on the b.. I mean CAROLINA!

I promised you all pictures from my birthday party, and Carolina - who had a very nice camera with her - promised to give me the pictures on Monday. Well, now it's Tuesday night (almost) here in Turku and I still haven't got them. She promised to give them tomorrow, otherwise I will punch her face. 'Cause that's how I roll..

Caro, this is for you (I'm angry, angry and did I mention angry?)

13 nov. 2010


Be patient, dear readers, soon there will be pictures from my birthday party which I for a few seconds thought would become a disaster... but it didn't! :-)

Here are pictures of the cards I got from EVA!

12 nov. 2010


ooooooooooh she's only seventeeen...
CONGRATULATIONS 4111g8r, blogpartner and friend!<3